‘Heart of International Space Race’ – Cornwall

We at Flann are very proud to be at the heart of the UK space race, and are excited to see the figures shared in this latest report. We are also very proud to have a range of space ready waveguide instruments. For more information contact our team on sales@flann.com https://businesscornwall.co.uk/news-by-industry/roads-and-transportation/2021/05/cornwall-at-heart-of-international-space-race/

Seamless Semi-Rigid Flange to Flange Adapter Series 562, uniquely designed and manufactured at Flann, located in Bodmin, Cornwall, UK

Best Seamless Semi-Rigid Waveguide

For three years now, the Seamless Semi-Rigid Waveguide 562 series has been one of our top sellers. A very successful product available in Models from 33 GHz to 220 GHz, with Low Loss, Low VSWR. Can be hand formed/reformed up to 5 times, is Weatherproofed & Waterproofed. Suitable for millimeter wave applications and installations. #5G…