Flann has held a prominent position in Waveguide design and manufacture for almost 70 years. Their facility is located in Bodmin, Cornwall, UK

Future of Waveguide: Conclusion

Over the last 6 months our ‘Future Waveguide’ blog series has featured many discussions about the impact waveguide has in our daily lives over several different sectors. As we bring this series to a close, we reflect on how modern life would not be possible without the presence of waveguide technology. Since the widespread use…

The Electromagnetic effects of TVAC & Space on Passive Waveguide devices & How each can be simulated

As featured in Everything RF   Designing and manufacturing components to withstand the harsh environment of outer space is an additional challenge compared to ground-based equivalent products. Before the components even reach outer space, they are subjected to continuous mechanical vibrations from the launch and experience a large pressure difference from leaving the atmosphere. Finally,…

Flann's new blog, waveguide's future market - Space, discusses how Flann have been involved in waveguide solutions for SATCOM and Spaceflight applications.

Waveguide’s Future Market – Space

As with most technology, waveguide has been no exception to a miniaturisation over the years caused by a constant drive for higher frequencies. This is due to the benefits discussed in the first post of our blog series about waveguide’s future markets. However, to still achieve a useable power within these millimetric designs a higher…

What are Waveguide Polarizers?

As featured in Everything RF   Communication links from antenna often use dual polarization as it allows a doubling of the information capacity of a wireless channel. Circularly polarized waves can offer better propagation with reduced fading and multipath losses because it is possible to receive all orientations of the signal. Signals propagating in rectangular…

Waveguide’s Future Market – Power

The constant increase in frequency used to receive and transmit data has not just led to an increase in transfer speeds, but also greater bandwidths and the density of connections in a single area. An example of this technology now in use is commercial 5G systems which are now comparable to traditional wired systems, allowing…

Waveguide’s Future Market – Frequency

Ever since the late 1800s, waveguide technology has played a key role in the development of our modern world. From the rapid development and standardisation during World War II with the uses of RADAR, to the microwave backhaul links in the 1950 to 60s, and more recently mobile cell networks, the world would be a…

Flann’s Heritage

From our humble beginnings in a wooden boathouse on the banks of the River Thames, to our current position as a market leader in precision waveguide technology, Flann has built a rich heritage of technological innovation, providing engineering solutions on the ground, in the air, and into space: waveguide innovation which has directly and indirectly…

Waveguide and Humanity

Say the word “waveguide”, and aside from a relatively small percentage of people working in STEM fields you will usually be met with Blank stares. Yet this belies the impact that waveguide technology has had on humanity since the pioneer days in the late 1800s. In simple terms, a waveguide is a hollow metal tube…