Spaceflight Waveguide Switch

Flann will be attending Space-Comm Expo between 7-8th July 2021 at Farnborough to promote our Spaceflight Waveguide Switch, which offers step change in use of emerging super-high capacity satellite communication. Please find details here. Sam will be at the exhibition and is available to discuss these components. Please contact to book a meeting. #events #space #ukspace @SpaceCommExpo

Spaceflight Components

Flann will be attending Space-Comm Expo between 7-8th July 2021 at Farnborough to promote our Spaceflight Components, a list of which can be found here. Sam will be at the exhibition and is available to discuss these components. Please contact to book a meeting. #events #space #ukspace @SpaceCommExpo

Space-Comm Expo 2021

Sam is our lead for Spaceflight sector development and will be attending Space-Comm Expo between 7-8th July 2021 at Farnborough. He would love to meet and discuss #RF #waveguide Spaceflight collaboration and opportunities. Please contact to book a meeting. #events #space #ukspace @SpaceCommExpo

Global Focus & G7

As a global business Flann is excited to see our county in the global spotlight for the week ahead, as Cornwall hosts the G7 2021 Summit. With over 400 miles of coastline, Cornwall’s stunning landscape provides a perfect setting for world leaders to come together and discuss how to respond to global challenges. The Summit…

‘Heart of International Space Race’ – Cornwall

We at Flann are very proud to be at the heart of the UK space race, and are excited to see the figures shared in this latest report. We are also very proud to have a range of space ready waveguide instruments. For more information contact our team on

Seamless Semi-Rigid Flange to Flange Adapter Series 562, uniquely designed and manufactured at Flann, located in Bodmin, Cornwall, UK

Best Seamless Semi-Rigid Waveguide

For three years now, the Seamless Semi-Rigid Waveguide 562 series has been one of our top sellers. A very successful product available in Models from 33 GHz to 220 GHz, with Low Loss, Low VSWR. Can be hand formed/reformed up to 5 times, is Weatherproofed & Waterproofed. Suitable for millimeter wave applications and installations. #5G…

Flann Dual Polarized Horn Antenna

In stock and on reduced lead time, the outstanding Flann Dual Polarized Horn Antenna Model DP240. This is a multioctave, coaxially fed, quadridged horn suitable for many applications requiring a high performance over a broad band. Frequency range 2 GHz to 18 GHz. Offering high isolation with low phase and amplitude imbalance between ports. Low…

5G and 6G Innovation Centre membership

Flann are pleased to announce that Prof Rahim Tafazolli, Director of the 5GIC, has approved our membership of the 5G and 6G Innovation Centre, part of the University of Surrey. With over 70 years of heritage in prototyping and pushing the envelope of waveguide innovation Flann is uniquely placed to provide market ready products, instruments,…

Flann deliveres another customised OMT!

At Flann we are receiving more and more requests for customised OMT’s to meet customers’ exact needs. We recently designed, manufactured and supplied a C-band OMT with a bespoke circular common port to match the customer’s feedhorn antenna, whilst also offering optimised RF performance over the specific band of interest. To understand how Flann can…