Flann deliveres another customised OMT!

At Flann we are receiving more and more requests for customised OMT’s to meet customers’ exact needs. We recently designed, manufactured and supplied a C-band OMT with a bespoke circular common port to match the customer’s feedhorn antenna, whilst also offering optimised RF performance over the specific band of interest. To understand how Flann can…

WG00 Flexible Waveguide

We are pleased to announce an expansion of our existing flexible waveguide capability to WG00 (WR2300).   The image shows our precision fabricated flexible waveguide in WG00 (WR2300) (Aperture size 584.2 mm x 292.1 mm) 0.32-0.49 GHz that will, in the future, be utilised in the unique FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) particle…

Matched Hybrid Tee (Magic Tee)

We are pleased to launch a new product, available to order now. The series 385 Matched Hybrid Tee are 4-port devices which can be used for splitting and combining signals in communications applications and for test and measurement. Each tee is optimised to produce the best combination of matching, balance and isolation. For more information…

Testing complete for new 330 GHz frequency meter

Flann’s engineers have just completed final testing of the first 330 GHz cavity frequency phenadip.com meter. This Power-over-Ethernet controlled device is able to repeatably tune a ‘notch’ frequency response to any frequency within the waveguide band of 217 – 330 GHz, and this allows the frequency accuracy of measurement systems to be confirmed. Frequency measurement…