Flann Microwave offers a comprehensive range of Tees including matched Hybrids and E and H plane Tees

Matched Hybrid Tee (Magic Tee)

Series 385

  • 2.6 to 330 GHz
  • Excellent balance
  • E-H port isolation
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Un-Matched Hybrid Tees

Series 390

  • 1.14 to 140GHz
  • High Isolation
  • Balanced Power Division
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Matched E and H Plane Tees

Series 400 and 410

  • 1.14 to 330GHz
  • Series 400 – E Plane
  • Series 410 – H Plane
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Un-Matched E and H Plane Tees

Series 420 and 430

  • 1.14 to 140GHz
  • Series 420 – E Plane
  • Series 430 – H Plane
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